Table of Contents
Home Page / Navigation
- Home page:
- To create an account:
- To go back to the “Home Page” from anywhere else, select “” in the top left corner
- To challenge a friend* (see “Social” section below for adding friends):
- Home Page -> “Play with a friend” button on the right
- NOTE: your” friends” also show up in a box in the bottom right corner. To challenge one, hover over their username, and click the button that looks like 2 swords
- To play a stranger:
- Home Page -> 2nd menu from the top:
- “Quick pairing”: system will auto-match you with someone of similar strength
- “Lobby”: list of people offering to play at various time controls, click and the game begins!
- Home Page -> 2nd menu from the top:
- To play the computer:
- Home Page -> “Play with the machine” button on the right
- The computer can be tweaked to play on any level
- To challenge other Q300 students who are currently online:
- Go to the “Q300 Chess Team” team page (see “Social” section below for how to join)
- Players who are online have a green light next to them. Hover over their username and click the button that looks like 2 swords
Learning from your Games
- To catalog your tournament games on LiChess:
- Create a new Study: “Learn” -> “Study” -> create a new one (‘+’ sign on desktop)
- Name it something like “John’s Tournament Games 2019”
- Settings: Visibility=Invite Only, Enable sync = No
- Add each game as a separate chapter in the study.
- Share the study with the coaches: use “ADD MEMBERS”. Saudin’s username is nychesskids.
- To review one of your games / find blunders:
- Your username in the upper right -> “Profile”
- Click the “N Games” menu in the middle (N will be the number of games you actually played)
- Select the game in question
- Select “ANALYSIS BOARD” option to the right of the board
- To have the computer analyze it, click the “REQUEST A COMPUTER ANALYSIS” button below the board. It will show you the number of blunders and mistakes you made, and you can click “blunders” or “mistakes” to see when it happened.
- To continue playing from a position in one of your games:
- Start reviewing a game (see above)
- Click the lower right menu button, which looks like three horizontal bars
- Select “Continue from here” (visible if you scroll up a little)
- To turn your mistakes into puzzles:
- Start reviewing a game (see above)
- Scroll down and select “Computer analysis” in the bottom menu
- Click the “REQUEST A COMPUTER ANALYSIS” button below the board
- Click the “LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES” button at the bottom right of the board
- NOTE: you only need to request computer analysis once per game. Once it’s done, “Learn from your mistakes” will always be available.
Puzzles / Tutorials
- Beginners: use the “Practice” feature to take interactive lessons:
- “LEARN” (top menu) -> “Practice”
- “LEARN” (top menu) -> “Chess basics” (if you are totally new)
- Intermediate/Advanced: solve training puzzles:
- “LEARN” (top menu) -> “Puzzles”
- All levels: watch video lessons:
- “WATCH” (top menu) -> “Video Library”
- Use the left menu to filter by topic
- Join our LiChess team pages:
- Follow the above links and click the “Join team” button
- NOTE: If you have “Kid Mode” enabled (see below), team pages are not available to you
- To add someone to your friend list:
- Find out their LiChess username
- Find them using the search button near the top right corner
- “Follow” them, by clicking the “thumbs up” button in the menu on the right
- To enable “Kid Mode” (all communication features off):
- Select your username in the upper right corner
- Select “Preferences”
- Select “Kid mode” in the left menu and follow the instructions
- To disable in-game chat:
- When you are playing a game, there is a chat room on the left side of the board
- You can click the box next to “Chat room” to enable or disable it
- Your selection will be saved for future games
- Beware – this can be a little buggy sometimes. For example, when you re-enable it, it sometimes doesn’t start working again until you refresh the website
Mobile Version
- The website can be fully used from a mobile browser. It functions just as well.
- There is also a mobile app, available for both iOS and Android. It differs from the desktop version in several notable ways:
- Different UI, but still very fast and responsive
- “Practice” is not available
- “Video library” is not available
- Team pages are not available