Q300 and NYChessKids invite you back for the 3rd edition of our “virtual home” tournament.



  1. Date: Sunday July 12 (10am start).
  2. Format: Swiss, 4 Rounds, G/25 + 5s.
  3. Entry Fee: $0.
  4. Schedule: Rounds at 10am, 11:15am, 12:30pm, 1:45pm, followed by awards on Zoom.
  5. Sections: Open, K-12 U1300, K-8 U900, K-6 U500, K-5 Novice, Parents/Family.
  6. Winners: Top 10 players + Top 3 teams (3 scores) in each section will be recognized. (Note: LiChess doesn’t prohibit teammates from playing one another).
  7. Registration Deadline: Saturday 7/11 12pm.
  8. Logistics:
    • The tournament will be played using the LiChess Swiss tournament option. Each section will have its own dedicated link / event page.
    • You must be a member of the “Q300 Home Tournaments” team to participate – please join: https://lichess.org/team/q300-home-tournaments. Note: this step is needed since LiChess only allows intra-team Swiss tournaments. We are not going to sell you anything.
    • On Saturday at 12pm, you will receive an e-mail with the link to check in. Do this as soon as you receive the email – last time, some people waited til last minute, and could not play round 1.
    • On Sunday at 9am, the Zoom room opens. Come in for any questions or just to hang out.
    • On Sunday at 10am, the games will start automatically. All players must be logged into LiChess and ready to go.
    • To help you follow the tournament, a “Live Standings” page (indiv./team standings, LiChess game links) will be linked on this page the day of the event.
  9. Note on Cheating: It is very important that you watch your kids.  Cheating is a very common problem for internet chess, and LiChess is especially good at catching it.  We have 0 tolerance – any players caught will be removed from the tournament and permanently banned.
  10. Fun Side of Things: Starting at 9am on Sunday, we will be running a Zoom conference together with world class IM and NYChessKids owner Saudin Robovic. The link will be emailed to you on Saturday. Participants can join before the event, between rounds and afterwards for that elusive feeling of connection to everyone else. And we’ll do a virtual award ceremony at the end.

Please contact us if you have any questions.