COVID, you can’t beat us!
Q300 and NYChessKids cordially invite you to our 1st ever online scholastic home tournament. The format (swiss+teams) will closely resemble real-life scholastic events.
DATE: Sunday April 26.
Registration is now closed.
- Number of Rounds: 4.
- Time Control: G/25 + 5s.
- Entry Fee: $0.
- Registration Deadline: Saturday 4/25 12pm.
- Sections: Parents/Family, K-5 Novice, K-6 U500, K-8 U900, K-12 U1300, Open.
- Winners: Top 10 players + Top 3 school teams (3 scores) in each section will be recognized.
- Game Day Info: Keep the tournament page bookmarked – announcements, pairings and standings will be posted there. The kids must be logged into LiChess in a web browser (not the app). The pairings will have game URLs – clicking on them will take you to the game, which will begin once both players join. Forfeits will occur after 30 minutes.
- Note on Cheating: It is very important that you watch your kids. Cheating is a very common problem for internet chess, and LiChess is especially good at catching it. We have 0 tolerance – any players caught will be removed from the tournament and permanently banned.
- Fun Side of Things: We will be running a video livestream (+chat box) by world class IM and NYChessKids owner Saudin Robovic. The link will be posted on this page. Participants can join before the event, between rounds and afterwards for that elusive feeling of connection to everyone else. And we’ll do a virtual award ceremony at the end.
Please contact us if you have any questions.