Last weekend, Q3CT traveled south to Nashville, TN to participate in the 2019 K-6 Nationals. More than 2,000 players from almost every state in the US came together for the annual festival. It was a weekend filled with team bonding, southern hospitality, barbecue, being blown away by the beauty of Opryland Hotel, and of course lots and lots of chess. Many rooks were blundered, but even more queens were won!
It was the first trip to the Nationals for most of the team; however, everybody performed beyond expectations. Every member of the team scored at least 50%, and 2 of our players brought home trophies:
– Jeremy Li (5.5-1.5 in the K-5 Under 900 section, tied for 17th out of 347 players)
– Galina Shchukin (5-2 in the K-1 Under 500 section, tied for 12th out of 141 players).
Every single player won their last game, which speaks to the kids’ endurance and the team spirit. It was a happy trip home for all.
Special thanks to the parents, and coach Saudin Robovic, who traveled with us, and provided priceless coaching and emotional support to the players. We will be back next year in even greater numbers!
Full results here.